
Fact about the person you like?

What happened at 10:00 am today?
i was still snd asleep.

Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?

What is the last thing someone bought you?
heineken. :P

Have you kissed someone whos name starts with an "A" ?

Do you plan on moving in the next year?
move? move wht?

What were you doing at 11:30pm last night?
shwered & wtched ftball.

What did you do today?
eat.shop.drink.pool.laughd.chat.wtched tv.eat again.

Who took your profile picture?
my lvely sis.

What is your current problem?
my love life.

Last persons bed you slept in?
haha.othr thn mine it is mr.spshal.

Who was the last person you saw?
me.in the mirror.

Who is the last person you freaked out on?
didi.he dyed his hair whte.eew!

Where did you last go?

Do you like someone right now?

What is something you say when you are mad?
fuck.suck.shit.hly shit.

Do you delete people off of myspace?

Whats your favorite soda?
ice crm soda (:

Do you crack your knuckles?
fuck no!.

Have you cried at all today?

Are you ticklish?
haha.i tckle ppl.

Are you happy right now?
im kind of.

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?

How many red lights have you ran?
i dont drve.

Will you be driving in a year?

Have you made a mistake this past week?

Do you miss someone?

Do you know anyone with the same name as you?

When was the last time you really laughed?
3 hrs ago.

Do you use an alarm clock?

Whats your dads name?
not fr you to knw.

Are you a social or antisocial person?

Do you have a tan?

Who was the last person to disappoint you?

Do you trust people?
yes no yes yes no no yes?

Does anyone call you babe?

Regular Cheetos or hot?
no tnx.

How's your heart lately?
its beating.

Are you scared of spiders?
yes i hate them.

Are you pregnant? Or are you going to be a daddy?
uhm no.

How long does it take for you to take a shower?
45 mins.

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